

The root chakra, or mūlādhāra chakra in Sanskrit, is known as “the root of all things.” Located at the base of the spine at about tailbone-level, it acts as the individual’s center of emotional and spiritual balance, as well as instinctual consciousness. At its most basic level, the root chakra is concerned with needs. It governs one’s senses of stability, safety, strength, and commitment and is responsible for self-preservation and feeling grounded.

While the root chakra is evolutionarily tied to those basic instincts that help us survive, modern day has connected this chakra more to the business of helping us thrive. Moving beyond just food, water, and shelter, the domain of the root chakra has come to include concepts like health, wealth, and community. Day-to-day feelings of trust, belonging, and being present are governed by the root chakra.

The root chakra is especially important to the chakra energy system because a lack of “roots” can compromise the integrity of all the other chakras, directly affecting the wellbeing of the entire body, mind, and spirit. Only when we feel that our most essential needs are met can we focus on growing.

The root chakra is also believed to relate to Kundalini, or cosmic energy force which can be awakened and moved up the spine through the other chakras. Within the chakra system, the root chakra has a masculine energy and is symbolized by a red lotus with four petals. Elementally, it is associated with the earth, and its mantra is, “I have.”

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