
Throat Chakra

The throat chakra, or vishuddha chakra in Sanskrit, is located at the center of the neck. It acts as the individual’s force of expression and individual truth, both internally and externally. A balanced throat chakra helps to set us free from the fear of judgement or need for approval from others. This chakra helps us to embrace our originality and unique individual experiences in the world. It is also associated with purity, thus connecting it to the concept of truth.

The throat chakra is responsible for communication, the expression of thoughts, feelings, and ideas, a healthy internal dialogue, and striking a balance between speaking and listening, as well as the seeking and sharing of truth, social skills, and personal integrity and honor. It also works closely with the sacral chakra: while the sacral chakra governs creativity, it is the throat chakra that allows the individual to express those creative ideas, rather than stifling them for fear of others’ opinions.

The throat chakra has a masculine energy and is symbolized by a blue 16-petaled flower. Elementally, it is associated with sound, and its mantra is, “I speak.”

